Learn how to develop conditioning for sports performance athletes.
Conditioning, or simply getting in shape, refers to an athlete’s ability to perform at a high level. It’s one of the most common things parents and coaches ask us to work on with their athletes. Fortunately, developing conditioning is a relatively straightforward process. However, the most effective ways to get in shape are often not what most parents and coaches expect. Here’s a breakdown of how conditioning can be developed for optimal sports performance.

Cardiac Output
The cardiac output method improves the heart’s efficiency in delivering oxygen to the body. Low-intensity exercises like jogging, biking, swimming, jump roping, skiing, and rowing work well for this. These exercises should keep the heart rate between 130-150 beats per minute and last 30 to 90 minutes per session. Cardiac Output method increases total work capacity and should be done 1-3 times per week. This is also known as Zone 2 Training –Zone 2 Training for Fall Sports.
At OC Sports Performance, we frequently use the assault bike, Concept 2 (ski, row, bike), and sled for these workouts. This conditioning method is low-impact, making it easy for athletes to recover from while building their endurance.
High Resistance Method
The high resistance method focuses on improving an athlete’s ability to sustain high power through fast-twitch muscle fibers. Examples include uphill sprints, sled pulls, prowler sprints, and high-resistance bike work. These exercises require maximum intensity efforts, with heart rates spiking rapidly during each effort. Rest periods are critical and should allow the heart rate to return to between 130-150 beats per minute before starting the next effort. Typically, athletes 3 to 12 sprints in a session, with several minutes of rest between sets. Starting at super low levels such as 3 sprints and gradually building into more sprints. Lower level athletes need less stimulus to get results.
We use sleds at OC Sports Performance every week. Prowler pushes, sled drags, and sprinting at top speed once a week help build excellent conditioning.
Strongman/ODD object work
Strongman or odd object endurance exercises improve postural maintenance, often referred to as “core” strength. Athletes perform overhead carries or loaded carries while walking quickly, usually for 60-90 seconds at a load they can manage repeatedly. We often use these exercises in interval formats.
Examples include yoke carries, kettlebell carries, and sandbag or cheescurd carries. These odd objects not only strengthen the core but also build overall strength while breathing, a crucial skill for top-level conditioning.
These methods may not align with what many sport coaches and parents expect. Typically, they expect to see athletes running, doing speed ladders, and performing endless plyometrics. While these exercises have their place in a conditioning program, doing them repeatedly and expecting new results borders on insanity. Albert Einstein famously said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” That’s how we feel about these traditional conditioning methods.
Relying on running as the primary method of getting in shape often leads to injuries, especially when overused. Our goal is to keep athletes healthy and on the field, allowing them to reach their full athletic potential without unnecessary risk of injury
Proper Conditioning
Our approach strengthens athletes so they can use less energy when moving down the field or rink, allowing them to showcase their skills. By developing their strength, combined with zone 2 training (the cardiac output method), high resistance training once a week, and strongman/odd object work 1-2 times a month, athletes thrive. These athletes become the fastest on their teams, set conditioning test records at their schools, and achieve results without grueling, beat-down workouts.
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OC Sports Performance has helped thousands of athletes get strong, run faster and jump higher! OC SP is a metrics based, results driven business.