There has been a lot of recent questions in regards to training at 7am on Saturday mornings. Please read the details below to clear up any questions you might have.
What happens at 7am for Advanced training? First, the only reason the program is called “Advanced Training” is that we had to come up with a name for it that would differentiate between normal CrossFit classes on the schedule. The structure of the training sessions are informal in regards to coaching. Informal coaching means that the entire coaching staff who trains, and members who train at that time, will give you hints, coaching cues, etc. but there isn’t a coach involved in every step like our GP classes.
The expectation is that everyone feel comfortable with movements, movement standards etc. This doesn’t mean that scales/suggestions aren’t given to people to help them progress. The training session lasts from 7am to 9am, so it is 2 hours of work.
This 7am session is open to anyone that wants to come and train. This past Saturday, 10/14/17 we had 18 people here training. If you want to turn up, just turn up and get checked in and you are good to go. I put some FAQ below the two Saturdays of programming.
Here is a breakdown of what we have done the last two Saturdays:
7:15 am: 10 min EMOM 5-10 assault bike calories + 1 gymnastic movement(something you struggle with) (I, Sean, did kipping HSPU)
7:30 am Hi Hang snatch x3 + 1 Hang snatch (work up to a heavy complex for the day)
7:50 am 6×3 Front squat @ 65% of 1RM Front squat
8:05 am In Teams of 3: 300 ski cals, 100 burpee box jump overs, 24 Ring M/U, 300 wall balls 20/14, 100 burpee to target, 24 Ring M/U. Only one person working at a time.
7:10 am 10 min EMOM 5-10 assault bike calories + gymnastic movement(struggle movement) I did 8 cals assault bike + 10 lunge steps
7:25 am Pick one: 2 rep hang power clean or 1 rep max jerk
7:45 am With a partner: 3 rounds each: 3 bar M/U, 6 T2B, 3 OH squats 155/105 rest 5 minutes and then into: 15 min AMRAP – chasing partner, so as soon as the station opens you move to that station: 25 assault bike, 8 burpee box jumps 24/20, 6 Power Cleans 155/105, 25 cal row. This is done as a waterfall so as soon as an assault bike open you get on the bike.
Q:I can’t show up every Saturday, can I still come?
A: Yes, show up when you can.
Q: I might have to leave early, can I still come?
A: Yes, as you can see you would still get in a lot of work depending on what time you show up.
Q: I need help scaling movements will someone help me?
A: Yes, all movements are scalable.
Q: I have ___________ currently hurting and need to avoid _________ can I still come?
A: Yes, we have people coming that need to scale and modify movements every Saturday, no biggie.
Q: I want to do programming that I come up with at 7am, can I do that?
A: No, we want Saturdays to be fun and encompassing for everyone that shows up.
Q: Can non OC members come in and train?
A: Yes, either buy a punch card or pay a drop in and your may train with the group.
Q: Is the structure of Saturdays usually the same?
A: We typically follow the same type of schedule: 10 Min EMOM of gymnastic work/warmup, lifting, group/team/partner conditioning. Sometimes, especially in the summer, we were dragging sled, yoke walking, loading stones, etc. after the group training, just for fun stuff to be outdoors training.
Thanks for checking out OC in Bend, Oregon. OC is Central Oregon’s premier CrossFit/Personal Training facility.
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