OPEN 19.3 RECAP | OC | Bend, Oregon

Week 3 of the 2019 CrossFit Open has come and passed.

CrossFit Open Prep

We experienced the first “Chipper”(one time through a set of movements)with CrossFit Open 19.3

19.3 had Single Arm OH Walking Lunge Steps, Weighted Box Step ups, strict HSPU(handstand push ups) and then HS(handstand) walk. This was a brand new workout and seemed like a tough test with the amount of work overhead.

At OG, we have been hammering Lunge steps!

All types of form and fashion, we have bee getting after those lunges. The overall feel from those who took on the test of 19.3 is that they were prepared for the lunges and box step ups. The glute work we emphasis on Monday and Thursday’s paid off big time. In regards to the strict HSPU, we again saw some firsts. The modifications we have been making on HSPU in class seem to make a difference for a lot of people. Strict presses from kneeling positions or half kneeling positions along with utilizing Kettlebells for these movements to emphasis a “deeper” press movement have helped a lot.

All of the 2019 Open workouts this year have had a challenging movement or an opportunity for someone:

The opportunity to get a personal record or first time getting a movement which is truly what the Open is about – pushing just a little outside of the established comfort zone.

Updated scores are here

Points were given out as follows:

1 point for participating in the workout, 1 point for wearing yoru favorite college gear, 1 point judging someone or helping as the clean up crew at the end(ended up being a lot of tape to pull).

This week Open workout 19.4

We get a chance to do some burpees(everyones favorite) some light snatches and then rest a whole 3 minutes before trying to get a lot of peoples first bar muscle up.

Remember staying tight and having tight shapes(hollow and arch) is significantly better than just “throwing” yourself over the barbell.

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