10 ways to improve Sports Performance in Bend, Oregon

10 ways to Improve your athletes Sports Performance and keep your athlete Healthy!
By Sean Wells

10 ways to Improve your athletes Sports Performance and keep your athlete Healthy!

Parents are always looking for ways to improve their high school, middle school, elementary athletes performance and in their pursuit of chasing down the newest and shiniest training method, sometimes they miss the most obvious or important. This list is a way to help you not miss the most obvious and in some circumstances the most important aspects of high school/middle school performance.

#1 : Get your athlete 7-9+ hours of sleep every night. This includes weekend nights.

#2 : Have them eat breakfast – and ensure it includes a protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

#3: Encourage them to drink more water and less non-waters. Things to avoid juice, soda, diet soda, coffee etc.

#4: Don’t have your kid specialize too early – more sports is better. This has been proven time and time again. Training in the gym can be a sport for those who only want to play one sport. Check out this blog about deciding when to pick one sport.

#5: Be supportive but leave the coaching/strength and conditioning to the professionals. (Recognize you are a supportive parent, not a coach).

#6: Let the kids enjoy sports.

#7 Be realistic with your goals for your athlete(and help them be realistic) and look at those who have had success in the sport they are playing.

#8 Have your athlete set goals; related to the sport they are playing or what they hope to achieve.

#9 Realize that injury prevention is tied directly with building a strong athlete.

#10 Hold your athlete accountable – nothing is harder for a sport coach or strength and conditioning coach than not having support from the parent.

There are many more ways parents can help ensure their athletes success in organized sports but after 10+ years of working with Sports Performance athletes and their parents this is our current top 10.

Thanks for checking out OC Sports Performance in Bend, Oregon. OC Sports Performance has been successfully training athletes in Bend since 2010.

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