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Health as an investment. 

Health is an investment. Physical fitness is an investment in Yourself, not an expense. Being healthy is the most important thing you can be.  Learn

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Mobility vs flexibility

Mobility vs flexibility what is the difference? Learn more By Grant Leiphart Mobility vs Flexibility Mobility is different than flexibility. However, these two often get

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Fitness Influencers

Fitness Influencers – be cautious of the “influencers”. Fitness Influencers might not have the best intentions. By Grant Leiphart Social Media Social media influencers and

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Value of a Warm up

The value of a warm up can’t be overstated. Learn more about warming up before training. By Grant Liephart One of the most important parts

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Tracking Progress

Tracking Progress is important. Why It’s Important and How To Do It Everyday we stroll into the gym and we drag ourselves out. Sometimes we

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