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Exercise makes you happy
Exercise makes you happy. Learn why and get started today! Have you ever marveled at the transformative effects of regular physical activity? In this illuminating
Goals for 2024
Goals for 2024. What are you wanting to do with your body this year? How can OC help you reach your goals for 2024? Are
Injuries Happen, But Training Should Not Stop
Injuries Happen, But training should not stop. By Nick Hagen (guest post) I hate to say it, but you will get injured Our modern lifestyle
10k Steps
10k steps – why does walking 10k a day help me? By Emily Rutherford Humans as a species were made to move and move frequently
Sleep and Stress
Sleep and Stress. Understanding the Connection and Finding Balance. Stressed out and struggling to sleep? You’re not alone. In our fast-paced modern lives, stress has
Value of a Warm up
The value of a warm up can’t be overstated. Learn more about warming up before training. By Grant Liephart One of the most important parts
Personal Training for Entrepreneurs
Personal Training for Entrepreneurs. One of the best ways to get a great return on your time as an entrepreneurs is utilizing personal training. Maximize
Super Max
Super max is how we are going to wrap up 2022 at OG! This New Years we have decided to do something a little different
You don’t have to feel beat up
The biggest misconception of training at a “high intensity gym” is that you will feel like trash day in and day out. Or that you